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In recent years a lot of hybridising has been done with Helleborus orientalis and there are many outstanding cultivars.   The examples below marked with an A are from Ashwoods Nurseries, Greensforge, Kingswinford, West Midlands, DY6 0AE.   Ones marked with a B are from Blackthorns Nursery, Kilmeston, Alresford, Hants. SO24 0NL.   Neither nursery sends out orders by post, but it is worth a pilgrimage to both armed with loads of money.

Most of these pictures were taken in the Royal Horticultural Halls in London at either the January or February Shows.   It is worth attending for the sensational smell of the Hammellis species and cultivars.


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More Unusual Hellebores


H. x argutifolius not unusual but is one of the parents of Helleborus x Sternii


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Helleborus lividus lividus the other parent of Sternii

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Helleborus x Sternii Ashwoods strain.   A superb form very much more glamourous than both its parents.

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Helleborus vesicarius


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A black form of Helleborus x 'Party Dress' and a  pale green one with a fine red edge




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Helleborus thibetanus

Seed brought to this country in 1991.   Originally discovered in China by Pere David 120 years ago rediscovered by Mikinori Ogisu  from clues in Pere David's diaries.   He found it in Moupin in Sichuan province.